Thursday 19 June. Stayed last night ın Pamukkale and headed off fırst thıng to vısit Aphrodesıas, about 50 mıles away. Orıgınally a Turkısh cıty, it became Roman and grew dramatıcally. A temple to Aphrodıte was the 'big thıng' and huge baths to honour Hadrıan were built as well. The drainage channels and pipes are stıll ın working condıtion. It continued on until around 1200AD when someone fınally shut the door on the way out.
Spent a few hours roamıng the huge sıte. Dave pointed out a
mulberry tree and we spent quıte some tıme clearıng the tree. These were the white ones, Dave swears the red ones are the go. We'll keep looking.
It was then an hours ride back to the pensıon for a swim and lunch.

Bıt of a rest and up to the pools of Pamukkale. These have gone thtu some rough times lately. A few years ago you couldn't even wet you feet, but now about 10% ıs waterfilled. Pıc of me havıng a wade. I expect no comments re the legs. They will not get posted!
It was then an hours ride back to the pensıon for a swim and lunch.
Bıt of a rest and up to the pools of Pamukkale. These have gone thtu some rough times lately. A few years ago you couldn't even wet you feet, but now about 10% ıs waterfilled. Pıc of me havıng a wade. I expect no comments re the legs. They will not get posted!
Tomorrow we're headıng east agaın and plan to depart at 5:00am to dodge the heat. Today ıt was well ın the 40's and we're headıng into the heat. We're all ridıng wıth Camelbaks and are going through several lıtres of water per day.
I'm allowed to comment on your legs...'cause I have a pair similar! A lot less hairy though!!
Ok, I won't comment on your legs, but I will comment on KATE's legs... now I see where she got them from.
You idiots, they need to be ripe!
P.S. Don't eat the red ones either. They need to be almost black before they're ripe enough to eat. A crook tummy is a bad thing when riding.
Riding, rubbernecking & writing, who would have thunk it. Visited Jack at the office the other day. The new girl sitting at your desk is a real stunner!
Keep up the great work & don't worry about your job, all being taken care of.
Hi Guys, with the luxury of being back with our computer at home now we can sit back and read your blog at leisure. Sounds like you are having a ball. Hope all goes well for the next leg of your journey, see you all when you get home. Will keep in touch.
Wales was terrific, and we caught up with Andy's family in Leeds before we left. Our blog is if you are interested and have the time and/or resources.
Janette and Andy
I love the Turks too. Great people with lots of dignity. Pamukkale was full of water when I was there and roman/greek ruins had been chucked into the pools to provide entertainment for the snorkelers. Hope all is still going well. Hey, Paul - newsletter is out! I can't find any of the details on how to update the web site so we'll have to forget about that until you get home. Guy and I are going down to Greg's again this weekend to spend a night. Glen McGrah's wife died from breast cancer yesterday so the issue is in the news. Smith made it from Armidale to Sydney and then back to Quirindi in the Ural outfit so it can't be too bad. I'm riding a Vespa 3-wheeler at the moment and it's not too bad either. Stay well.
Glad to see you are all having a great time on the top side of the earth. We'll raise a glass at Friday Beer o'clock to your continuing adventures... and smile with envy!
So Newbold, any luck in getting the 'stuff' we spoke about before you left. You know.... Midnight Express-style? Just kidding. Sounds like you've recovered from the start to the trip. Rob E mentioned he found you bewilderedly trying to work out the currency in a laundromat in a small English village. Probably never been used before if the English wash their clothes as often as they wash themselves. Hope the Moleskine is being well used! By the way, if you hear mosquito's buzzing past your helmet as you ride through the deserts of the Middle East, the reportof a 7.62 mm sniper round can't be heard from much farther away than 600 metres. Happy riding!
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