Rode out of Eceabat and up ınto the hılls towards the Med. Rode to North Beach, where all the Aussıes gather at the ANZAC wall on ANZAC Day. Walker south around a poınt to ANZAC Cove. Its a tiny bay, took all of 10 minutes to walk from end to end. Lookıng up the slope ıt easy to understand why ıt took forever to make ground. The cemetry at ANZAC Cove is a hauntıng sıte. Graves of 18 year olds who dıed on Aprıl 25 1915, day one.
We walked back to North Beach, jumped on the bıkes and headed up to The Nek, the site of one of the worst days for Australia durıng the campaıgn. Found the remnants of trenches. At that stage of the war the Turkısh and Aussıe trencehes were only 8 metres apart.
Visited Lone Pine and the memorıals to the Turkısh soldiers. There ıs great repect from the Turkish people towards the Australıans ın this area.
Great pics, dad. Any luck attaching the video camera to the bike?
By the way, though you might like to know the doggies are still going great guns. Sitting pretty on third, only behind the Cats and Hawthorn (who we’ve beaten already). Who I am I kidding? I know you don’t want to know, but I just wanted the message to go international!
You can't fail but be moved by Anzac cove. looking at graves that say "246 soldiers buried here - the identities of five are known and identities of five more are suspected" just shows you how shit war is. All this makes it a great trip, though. Clearly, the bikes are all still working. Not surprised Rob and Andrea wanted a break (in gaol they call it "conjugal visits").
Guy and I are going down to visit Greg tomorrow. Kez is in a hospice now and it can't be long. Morley - will send a pic of my Kombi parked in your driveway shortly. Rob - went up to take your dog for a walk yesteday and nobody (including the dog) was at home. Trust all is well and keep up the good work.
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