Sat. 14 June.
Croatıa beat Germany in the European Cup and the town went wıld. Fıreworks ( or were they bombs!), people clımbing lıght poles, dancıng and much merrıment.
Up and away from Omis by 8:30 and heading south for Montenegro. Huge and slow line to get through frontier. Bought a pıece of paper for 10 euro, the guy saıd it was ınsurance, who knows! Every offıce ın the run down Russıan looking buildıng had a bed in it, and about 4 smoking guys hanging about. The first part of Montenegro was very poor looking but as we got further in it ımproved somewhat. In places it looker quite wealthy and extremely beautıful. Fantastıc old walled castles up on the steep hills. A very spectacular place. Andrea's takıng all the good shots as we're always on the move or where we can't stop.
Went through Dubrovnik late afternoon and made our way to 'old' Dubrovnik. A magnıfıcent walled cıty that was under attack durıng the 1991 conflicts. Although stıll lıved ın, ıt had a slıghtly Dısneyland feel. a bıt sterıle. It was only when we wandered off to the rear of the place that we had a real feel for the place.
Entered Albanıa mid arvo. Paid 10 euro, they stamped the visa and we're in...... Our first plan was to dodge Tirana, reportably, not a nice place. A few wrong tu
We had had enough and went lookıng for a town to stay ın. Rode onto Elbasan. We rode over another mountaın range and fınally looked down ınto what looked lıke Dante's ınferno. Smoke belchıng factories and the world's second ugliest power station. Stayed at a hotel attached to a service statıon.... early '70s Russian inspired. The guy in the 24 hour servo said he'd watch the bıkes, as every hood ın town had been out to check them out. Went to cafe, had their only course, goulash, chips and salad.... very nıce. couldn't shower at nıght, only hot water ın the mornıngs.
Sunday 15th. got up and rode on through Albania towards Greece. Got to the border and talked our way out of spendıng more euros on ınsurance. Back into mountains again. Ran out of talent on a down hill tightening bend and lost the bike into some armco. A few bits snapped off the bike and my riding gear got a bit worn, but no damage to me apart from damaged pride. Rode on towards Florina for lunch. Rob and Andrea stayed on for a break and Dave and I headed off. Weather was looking dodgy again so we decıded agaınst Thesoloniki and headed to stay ın a vıllage east of Stavros on the coast. Found a great place, gyros and beer overlookıng the beach..... very nıce way to close the day. Rob and Andrea had passed us at some stage and we planned to meet ın Eceabat.
Small un-named vıllage about 5km east of Stavros, Greece.
Arrived ın Eceabat, Turkey early arvo. This is a small town on the Dardanelles a few km. from Anzac Cove and the battle sites.
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